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Posts posted by CBarber

  1. SWRFI (Swerfy) www.swrfi.org was not in its first year, it as been around for years. The location, however, was new. New Braunfel is the pearl of Texas. It is truely as pretty an area as you could imagine. The airport is a couple of miles from the sweet spot of the Texas Hill Country. The aiport is on a large flat area that is the base of the start of the rolling hills that is Central Texas.


    SWRFI was in Kerrville (home of Mooney) for years and was pretty successful. Then, for some reason, moved to Abeline and almost stopped existing. Uhhhhhh, not, IMHO, the garden spot of the GSOT (Great State of Texas). For those who are in "the know" New Braunfel is a wonderful destination. The Guadelupe river is the number one "tubing" river in the nation (well, according the NB Chamber of Commerce) <g>. Schleterbaum is there and some great B&B's. Great German flare to the area. Also, only about 10 minutes north is Sam Marcos (home of my alma mater) and one of the most successful outlet malls in the country.


    Last year we had about 800 planes. This year, if the weather is nice, I am told we expect 1500.


    I am staying at a great historic hotel called the Faust (only $70ish a night.....beats the hell out of La Quinta) www.Fausthotel.com.


    Also, Velocity Inc. will be there <g>


    All the best,



    Yeah, I like the area



  2. The epoxy guru guy's (crew cheif for the Exxon Flyin Tiger and retired "big wig" with Shell Chemistry division) name is Gary Hunter. He is down here in Houston and was my EAA tech advisor on my first inspection last February.


    If you are really interested I can contact a buddy who put me in contact with him and try to get his email.


    .....on a separate note, I installed my center spar last night.:banana:



    All the best,



  3. Hmmmm, build a cabinet instead of a plane. Yep, you purest will balk, but I just hung (?)...hanged(?)....mounted my rolls of fiberglass from closet rods mounted to the side of my hanger (garage). I keep plastic over it. Cheap, easy and has worked so far.


    I don't have the option of buying small quantities, I get all of it when the kit is delivered. In Houston, I am not sure how not to be bothered by humidity. Don't have a hot box for the epoxy either...but we stay pretty warm down here most days.


    As to a cutting surface, per Velocity Inc's recommendation, I use a "luan" (hollow-core interior door...I prefer unpainted) door on saw horses. It is not as fancey as a table with folding legs, but it is very mobile and can be easily stored away. I have a couple and can set them up where and if needed. At only about $15.00 a piece, I really don't mind them getting trashed. Now, as to cutting glass, I STRONGLY recommend the "pizza cutter" rotary (me and rotary...see a theme? <g>) razor blade cutter. IMNSHO, it is FAR superior and easier than scissors.




    All the best,



  4. I have one. As a matter of fact the link for a customers project on the conversion concepts website for the Velocity is a link to my website. I have had mine about a year. It seems to be very well done. However, since I shamefully have not yet learned to weld and I am no engineer, I could be wrong. Paul Lamar, a very well informed, but very opinionated rotary guru seems to enjoy slamming the mount....and Conversion Concepts owner, Fred Breeze. However, my dealing with Fred shows me he is a upstanding and concerned individual.


    I know this is not proof of the integretiy of the design, but Fred packs it so well for delivery, you almost hate to uncrate it. Also, Freds personal integrity seems superb. He was courtious with the order, kept me informed and prompt in delivery.


    I was thrilled to find a ready made mount as it was one of the parts I was concerned about finding and since I have not learned to weld yet, homemade was not gonna happen for me. As Tracy has stated, the engine mount may be one of the biggest stumbling block for some to chose a rotary/auto conversion. Fred based his design on the Franklin mount produced and offered by Velocity.


    If you wish to know more, feel free to ask. But be warned, I may actually answer. <g>


    All the best,



  5. Nathan,


    Even though you "taught" the class, how did you like it? Sounds like you had the same instructor I had two years ago (She was there last year too when I took the instrument/wiring course. She is a contributing writer for Kitplanes I believe). I felt the class gave a good foundation. It is all I had as to composite experience when my kit arrived in June of 2002.


    All the best,



  6. I hate to sound so common, but it really is a combintaion of all of those. As to the price issue (and yes, it is important), one of the additional advantages, to me, is that I can buy different componants of my powerplant assembley at different times (i.e. core Renesis, PSRU, cooling etc). This helps with cashflow.


    From what I can see the rotary seems to win hands down when it comes to on going care and maintenance. As has been mentioned, you could have a couple of extra rotaries waiting in the hanger for less than a lyc overhall.


    I really like the way the rotary works. The three moving parts may not be convincing to all, but to me it is just "too cool" (technical term). I test drove the RX-8 and I was impressed with its extreme smoothness. It may not translate to aviation but it was nice.


    I think it is only partially accurate to say it is an unprovan design. True, it is not as proven in aviation, but it is a proven design. If I am not mistaken, hundreds of thousands of rotary have been used successfully. No, not in aviation, but there is tons of data out there on the use of the design. I like that Mazda/Ford has done a huge amount of R&D for us. I think most of the potential problems comes from the supporting systems (yeah, and home engineering). Problems with subsystems is also a problem with Lycs(plus the problems with the engine pulling itself apart <g>). In fairness, when a Lyc does have a problem, such as with the jugs, we all seem to hear about it.


    Also, I resent the pricing structure of the certified stuff. I do not buy the excuse that the prices are so high due to fear of litigation, R&D and small market (sure, they play a part)and as a result the buyer is getting a far superior product. But I think it is an excuse to soak the aviation public and perpetuate the process. Look at the difference between Dymon or Blue Mountain and Garman/King/Chelton.


    After being commited to the rotary for about a year now, I truely think if someone gave me a new lyc, I would still choose the Renesis....of course, I would sell the Lyc to pay for my Renesis and glass cockpit <g>. All that being said, more power to you Lyc guys.


    I have baught into the arument that the Rotary is the perfect aviation engine that someone mistakenly put in a car.




    All the best,



  7. Jim,


    I know the Velocity is more expensive to buy, but why do you think it is more expensive to maintain? It would seem that once it is flying the cost to maintain would be very similiar between the Cozy and Velocity. (unless you felt obligated to continue to buy replacement parts from Velocity, Inc., which I may, but may not)Please help educate me as I must be missing something. TIA.


    All the best,



  8. ...include a banana in a post. Yeah, that's better.


    :offtopic: :banana:


    BTW, I installed nut plates and attached my airilons and rudders last PM. Now to figure out the best way to suspend them from my ceiling, then I get to roll my fuselage back in and start on the center spar :banana:. This is kinda on topic.....it is a launch countdown for me instead of John. :banana:


    Kinda funny, I spent all that time (per Velocity manual)getting my surfaces smooth and pretty...then undid a lot of the process creating and installing the control surfaces. Live and learn. I will have a lot to do to "pretty" it up when I am done with the core construction.


    Y'all all have a great weekend. Don't get too many fiberglass cuts Wow, these dancing icons are distracting huh? , but they are very well synced :banana: Ok, enough, no more multiple banana 's


    All the best,



  9. John,


    I KNEW you were a kindered spirit (now, if I can get Jana to a "coloney" <g>). I can't tell y'all how "dead on" the Christmas analogy fits. Sometimes I even have trouble geting to sleep at night due to being anxious about a curring lay-up and getting back to work the next morning.


    The fact that the folks on this list "Understand the Show" keeps me coming back....usuallly seveal times a day.


    Now, don't I have some hinges to fit on rudders and airlons?


    "Enjoying the Buiild"


    All the best,



  10. Since I have a real knack for the obvious I will say it....Building is great. Instead of saying "enjoy the build" I should sign off with "enjoying the build".....and, it is kewl (even if it is a Velocity ;) )


    All the best,



  11. My Jana is bipolar too. I have been suprised at how common it seems to be. I never fully understood rage before (it is not my nature). Yes, keep the hammers away form the fiberglass....and personal body parts.


    All the best,



  12. Italian tunup. Hey! As a proud Italian-American I resemble that remark ;)


    All the best,



    Chris Barber

    (former surname of Barboni, before my Dad, who's name it Tony changed it. Say it out loud, "Tony Barboni" and you will know why <g>)

  13. Got to a stopping point after achieving a solid base and have moved on to cutting the airlons and rudders. I relized (after the factory mentioned it to me) that this first blush at "finishing" is NOT the time to try for perfection since much damage will be done to a perfect finish when completing subsequent task, such as cutting out the airlons and rudders. Thanks for the interest.


    Should be able to install the hinges and control surfaces by this weekend. Then back to the fuselage and installing the center spar, then strakes.


    All the best,



  14. Joe,


    You are the man. That is perfect. Love the colors, font, placement etc. Thanks for including a Velocity. I will place it on my website next time I update my pages. May go online to see about having a patch made.


    Thank you very much.


    All the best,



  15. I would buy a t-shirt and a patch or a shirt with logo etc or two (Really like the idea of a patch and even a sticker). Maybe the bottom part could say something like "Canardzone Station", thus making it more sutiable for the masses.


    We can be the envy of the other flying geeks...or geeks at large. ;)


    Joe, is it ok with you....how 'bout the rest of you guys and gals....bulk brings discounts.


    All the best,



  16. Joe,


    I would love to get one with my "N" No. on the bottome; N17010. Perhaps "Lone Star Velocity" would fit well (that would be swell).


    I don't have a name yet. Enterprise and Voyerger or just too, too, too....something.


    Thank you very much for your kind offer.




    (rememeber to write UPN and/or sponsors to keep Enterprise on the air....still needs time to develop as a series, IMHO)

  17. Joe,


    I love your starship federation logo. Did you create it and if so would you mind sharing it with me? (I hope you have it in a larger size in jpg or bmp). If not, where/how did you find it? I have had similiar thoughts, but I am not artisic at all.


    As I think I have mentioned, my craft will have a decided "Trek" theme.....my "N" No. is 17010. When it comes to "Trek" my geek meter goes to Warp 10. TIA


    I hope no one is anoyed by posting off topic (maybe should be private...I wanted to give public praise)...I will limit, but didn't think this justified a separarte thread.


    Peace out my brother (from a un-hippie; but tolerant of all<g>)


    All the best,



    Make it so.

  18. I agree that I wish we could have a more open discussion on the ACRE site as I know some topics are very taboo but I still want to learn more....of course I am one of these freaks who like all comments, even SAR's, makeing them a virtual hanger and a great tool for education.....even wrong opinions can add value. We should all take everything we learn (esp from the net) with a grain of salt. IMHO.


    However, Paul seems to be listening....I really thought the tread on computer OS's the other day would errupt into a flame war, which to the best of my knowledge it did not. Also, I questioned his opinion on hiring others to build a plane and he was very respectful of aanohter opinion. As a rule, I try to never "challenge", just question. Guess it can be tough to be the 800lb Gorilla.


    All the best,



  19. 1. If you wait 'till you can afford it, you would never do anything. Heck, you CAN afford seven kids?????? <g>.


    2. Yeah, we don't have time. After all, we have only seen this rerun of Gilligans Island 7 times.


    3. You are rearing SEVEN kids and you weren't sure you can build and airplane????!!!!?????!!!!!! Thank gawd I am only building an airplane ;)


    I applaud your annalysis, cograts on thinking it through and taking action. With set goals, most things can be achieve.


    All the best,



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