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I purchased a set of E-Racer plans when stationed overseas. Here are my impressions.


1. The canard section was not included and has to be acquired from RAF.

2. The engine installation section is a sideview diagram of where the engine would go. I expected a little more detail. I was under the impression that it was designed around his auto engine conversion and expected details on how to make it happen.

3. The section on the basics of composite construction was a photocopy of a Rutan manual for a glider. Is that legal?

4. I have not seen alot of support online for E-Racer.

5. Unsure of parts support.


I have never seen a set of Long ez plans but it would be interesting to compare them side to side.


Three moves and a couple of kids later I purchased a set of Cozy plans. They are much better.


1. Lots of online support.

2. Well laid out plans. I put my E-Racer plans side by side with my Cozy plans and there is much more detail in the Cozy plans.

3. Multiple sources for parts.


I am looking forward to getting started on my Cozy. [Once I figure out how to get HAZMAT shipped to Hawaii.]


I'm sure that some people have built nice E-Racers. In my opinion if you were stuck between the two I would get the Cozy plans. Just my 2 cents.




Hi Matt,

I have ERacer plans #282 and I was told to look at Long EZ plans to get an idea how to fill in the gaps that the plans left. At the time, there was more on line support for the AC but those key individuals that kept the online thing going moved on to other projects. I was looking at the Cozy but the front seat load limit thing made it impractable. Terry Schubert the CSA newsletter editor steered me to thge Limo EZ project that Sam Kriedel had designed. That was the plane that fir the mission profile. If you are a relatively light person then the Cozy is the correct choice. Good luck


Joe Berki

Limo Ez


I must agree with Joe , the E Racer support has not been very good. I was also told when I was building my E Racer, that I should not have a problem if I had built a long ez. Unfortunately that was not the case. I must say in defense of Shirl, He designed a great aircraft. I am totally pleased with the end result but getting to where I am at know has taken quite a few years of individual R&D. I believe there are only about 5 E Racers flying and that is a shame, hopefully someone will take the project on and continual its development. Flying the E Racer is a star event.


Jack Morrison

EW Racer 113

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