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Workshop Wall #1

Jon Matcho


Hello everyone.  I need some motivation and so I thought to put my efforts up here for all to see, and to keep my momentum going.  I have been dancing around my shop for quite a few years now in my current home, having set a few stations up but not achieving what I would consider a functioning workshop.  I'm not talking about perfection, just the ability to know where everything is and have enough floor and table space to work.  It's also important here in the Northeast U.S. to have an insulated shop so that I can continue building year-round, and so this is the summer that I am committed to addressing that problem.

I made a few posts on the forum about some steps I've taken along the way (I built 4 work tables, I managed to build a Cozy tub, I removed the insulation that was home of squirrels and mice in preparation for putting new material in, removed some junk from the walls and put a bunch of tools and carts on wheels).  After researching and googling how to insulate cinder block wall, I finally got started with prep and paint to seal up the wall for adding insulation. 

Here's a picture of the worlds best painter and a picture of paint drying (which feels GREAT this morning -- dry to the touch)!


I bought the air compressor from the previous homeowner, and figure this is where it may sit for all time -- until I may decide to move it and re-run all the plumbing (maybe Workshop 3.0).



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