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Chris Fox

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Everything posted by Chris Fox

  1. Thanks for the input Marc, I'm hoping regular inspection and scheduled replacement of the conduit will work out less effort over the years than inspecting and lubricating elbows and pulleys. Plus it will leave less clutter on the firewall. I'll look at keeping the ends firmly in place: the curved aluminium tube would be embedded in glass/foam, so shouldn't go anywhere, with a stainless tube stub exposed in the fire protected area behind the spar with a clamp at the end where the cable exits. Are rubber bellows a good idea at the exposed ends? Cheers, Chris
  2. Hi Marc, thanks for the prompt reply! Would you think using a PTFE liner to the nylaflow would help? Also, would an aluminium/stainless steel tube outer to form the bend and set the direction at the outboard firewall mitigate the second issue? Cheers, Chris
  3. Hello everyone, my first post here. I've recently picked up a fairly complete Long Ez, with strakes as the next task. Forward brake master cylinders have been fitted, so the lever/pulley rudder controls due to be fitted on the firewall seem over complicated. I am hoping to route the nylaflow conduit in pretty much a straight line from the rudder pedals to just beyond the fuel tank blister, then a gentle curve through the fuselage/under the spar to then align with the rear face of the spar and aim towards the wing conduit. Extending the contour back from the blister to fair it in smoothly. Has anyone got experience doing this, and does it seem sensible? Regards, Chris
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