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Everything posted by lvpazik

  1. Kent, not knowing this particular aircraft, did you see the website explaining the build, options, avionics, engine etc? Though the price may be slightly high for a Long EZ, am I missing something in thinking the quality is at a very high level? Also, I won't fly without liability insurance, which I can't get without a CFI sign off. I have too much to lose should something happen. It's really coming down to a Long EZ or a Velocity.....
  2. Insurance carrier stated "Must receive a CFI check-out in make and model prior to acting as sole PIC". It would come with fresh insepction prior to delivery as part of transaction. It looks like an incredible aircraft: https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=www.316NM.com&data=02|01|rpazik%40iasdirect.com|6218f3073d4b4544849308d6c1ebb3bc|44914c2588d0415bbedc387ef97083e2|0|0|636909615414819688&sdata=p9Y3J5iD3cG2MxPEsAEgx5J8VmAVIy1dvwALXKkYaCc%3D&reserved=0
  3. Thinking of purchasing an exceptional Long EZ. I live in Pahrump NV (Las Vegas area). I have 950 hours, mostly high performance/complex single engine. If I make the purchase, the insurance company requires a CFI signoff. I have no clue who to contact that is qualified in this type aircraft. The CFI would have to come here as without a signoff I can't fly to him/her. Any ideas or recommendations?
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