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Posts posted by mfryer

  1. I plan to run my rudder cable conduits as straight, true, inspection-accessible and friction-free as possible. After all, it’s a machine, not a custom house. Are there any flying examples of fuselage-imbedded cable conduits with any significant flying time on the airframe that can be used as a basis for making a mechanical assessment of this cosmedic space-saving mod? Or is it a no-big-deal go-for-it mod?


    Side Q: What’s the final word on H45 foam, slurry or no-slurry? Admittedly just a noob, but it seems the Terf/Open-Ez plans and CP’s read all over the place on this issue. Have there been any non-slurried (Pre-CP29 builds) falling apart as a result of non slurry induced delam’s? I’m planning to slurry, but I am slurry-curious, especially near last-call :P .

    My main reasoning was to avoid drilling a hole through the landing gear bracket. The route through the exterior would be nearly as strait as per plans. At this point I do not think I will run the cables through the outside, but I might install the conduit there now just so I have the option at later date.


    As far as the slurry. The CPs state pretty clearly that ALL foam should be slurryed. The video shows slurry on both types of foam as well. It does not sound like there will be a catictrofic failure if it is not slurried though.

  2. Correction: Any ref to 0.04" mentioned above should read 0.4" (4/10ths). But you guys are ready knew that! :D Sorry for the typos.



    Ref: Long-EZ plans change #45 CP27. http://www.cozybuilders.org/ref_info/Canard_Pusher/LongEZ_Plans_ChangesUpdate.htm

    Thanks for the input. It will take me a while to wrap my head around all of that.


    Also thanks for the complement, however folks out there should be aware that if there is the illusion that my work is somehow great or good, it is only due to the fact that my garage floor has a 1970s pattern that causes the brain to adjust its sense of taste and could alter ones perception of the quality of other objects in the vicinity.

  3. I am about to skin the outside of the fuselage. However it has been suggested that I might install the rudder cable conduit through the side foam. My primary reason for this is to avoid having to drill a hole through the landing gear brackets.


    However after discussing this with my brother I am having second thoughts. Mainly what I am about to do is a departure from the plans and it involves a control system, so I am a little shy about it.


    Also I saw this clip on

    , about a third of the way through it shows some nifty rear seat rudder peddles. I do not see how this could be accomplished if I ran the conduit through the side foam.


    I bought a long 3/16" bit and drilled from the inside just behind the rear landing gear pad forward as seen here. More photos can be seen at http://flyingbackward.blogspot.com/

    Flying Backward


    Posted Image



    Any thoughts or suggestions????

  4. I buried my rudder conduit in the wall of the fuselage. It makes for a fairly straight run.

    Let me know if you need any measurements

    If there is a real advantage to installing the rudder conduit on the outside I am definitely interested in measurements or photos if you have any.


    I did not drill the holes in the larger landing gear brackets for the conduit because I had read of a failure possibly cause by that hole. If routing the conduit through the side foam solves this I will try it out. Thanks.

  5. Thanks. I now see two challenges in my future. One is to have an aircraft nearly as beautiful as those on your site.


    The other is to have less gray hair by the time it is complete. (I have a start, but if I strain hard enough I might be able to hold back additional gray).:)


    I suppose I should also be happy just to have hair if there is any left as well.

  6. I got my set back in August???. It had 3 CDs. I was told a fourth with some additional CPs and photos would be available soon, but it did not sound to me like it would contain any really necessary information.

  7. Just a couple of comments....


    What is the source of the interesting colors. It appears that perhaps the dark brown is where you peel plied?


    You cut off the tabs in the lower corners of F-22. Is there a reason for this?


    Also I can't really tell from your photo if you did this, but there is an optional change in the CP newsletter 27 that suggests "Revise F28 bulkhead by moving the longeron notch down 0.25". This raises F28 for better fit to canopy."

  8. The Long-EZ plans call for Cleveland wheels. However I recall recommendations that the brakes could use some improvement. Also it would appear that Grove offers some wheel/brake options that might work for the Long-EZ. Any suggestions?

  9. Wahoo! I can finaly contibute something useful :D



    nostromo56 at tx dot rr dot com


    I mailed a check, got the gauges 5 days later.



    Awesome! Thanks for the link! I was at first going to go with the plans method but I am using EZ-Poxy which has a pretty yellow tint to it and I don't think the resulting gauge would be very readable.

    Posted Image

    I also would like to have a couple of electrical gauges, but do I understand corectly that it can be difficult to find a location for them?

  10. Wahoo! I can finaly contibute something useful :D



    nostromo56 at tx dot rr dot com


    I mailed a check, got the gauges 5 days later.



    Awesome! Thanks for the link!

  11. When I started my project I thought it would be fun for my son to work on it with me. Unfortunately it is a little difficult to teach him while I am still learning so much of the process myself. Still I have him sanding some parts, measuring twice and he has made a couple of console panel prototypes. He really likes to help when I am not up to my elbows in epoxy.

  12. You asked for advice...


    Advice one: Forget the webpage. Build instead. Theres a lot of guys with embarrassing webpages.

    Wow, I hope mine is not embarrassing. However I do understand that updating the web page can be time consuming. I prefer to work on the plane.


    Still I use a blogger account that make updating the page quick. My primary purpose is to keep my brother and a few other interested parties up to date, but hopefully a side effect will be to warn others not to screw up like me.

  13. ...hhhmmmmm....


    I did a quick search on the NTSB database for IVO prop and found only 4 reports between 1/1/89 and 5/18/2004. 3 were engine failure and one was a Darwin award to the pilot. None were prop failures. I've been seriously considering thte IVO prop but now you've got me worried :scared:


    I think it was Socrates who came up with the three point plan for passing on rumors 1) do you know it to be the truth? 2)is it derogatory? 3) does it benifit me to know?


    Can anyone point me to some facts about the IVO prop? :confused:

    I just have to wonder if the IVO prop company has anything to say. Sure a person should use caution with any information provided by stakeholders on that side of the fence, but they would probably have some insight into incidents involving there products.

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