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Posts posted by PH-CAQ

  1. Hi Group,


    My question: I'm thinking about what prop to use. Since a pusher prop only sees 'dirty' air, I assume that it's no use to mount a propellor with modern laminar sections.

    Does anyone has experience or pointers to information sources about this topic? As I'm based in Europe, noise emission (or better: the reduction thereof) is very important too...





    Newton Propelors in the UK. Wood, customer designed, excelent for your VW and the price, think about € 400,-. Worked very well for my Pottier. Don't mention my name;)

  2. You might want to check this www.rospeller-aero.com .

    This is a german manufacturer.Claimed to be for rotax and others,they got diameters up to 70`.It might work with other engines at a price about 4000$.


    Don't do it!

    The problems is related to the bangs.

    A direct drive engine is not running smooth. You have 4 explosions in 360 dgr. That is hard to deal with.....talking about carbon or glass. They try to solve it by making the prop hollow or fill it with a soft material and make it as light as posible so the inertia mass is low.


    The rotax 9xx is not a direct drive. The 4 in 360 explosions are reduced to (lets say) 1:3 and the vibrations is reduced as well (not 1:3, but significant). That makes it suitable for carbon.


    Wood can absorp the vibrations comming from a direct drive. Stick to wood



  3. Anyone have any good or bad experience with copper foil antennas suggested in the plans for COM or NAV?


    I've purchased Bob Archer's antennas which are supposed to be much better. I thought spending and additional $300 might make a cheap radio perform better than an expensive one with crappy antennas?

    I have glued the transponder and the radio antennas in the fuselage. Works very well.



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