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Everything posted by jerms

  1. Hi all, I'm currently doing a little bit of research into either a Cozy IV or an AeroCanard. At this stage, I'm probably leaning slightly toward the Cozy due to the number of partially built examples or examples built minus avionics and engine. My first question, probably more suited to the Cozy forum but hopefully able to be answered here is whether anyone considers buying a partially completed plane to be a bad thing? Caveat emptor, obviously, but beyond that and the lack of ability to say you built it all yourself, is there anything else I should be concerned about? My second question, and a more relevant one to this forum, is regarding the use of the Renesis rotary from the RX8. I have read a few reports that utilising the Renesis instead of a 13B from an RX7 requires a prop of a larger size than the rear of the Cozy can reasonably accomodate. Is this the case, or do any other design concerns exist in the implementation of a Renesis engine on a Cozy. I understand that a few people are attempting this as it stands, and I guess I'd like to know how these efforts are going! Finally (and thankyou in advance for your replies!), I have seen several turnkey manufacturers of both Rotary and WRX engines inclusive of gear reduction drive and other necessary modifications for aviation use. However, I have noticed that the cost of these engines seems terribly disproportionate to the cost of the stock standard auto engine itself plus redrive, PRSU etc. In the case of one of the WRX-based engines, an estimated overhaul cost is put at around $10,000 - this seems to fly in the face of much I have read that suggests that it should cost around 1/10th of that! I don't intend on buying one of these turnkey solutions, but I'm just wondering - am I missing something in this equation, or are these units as overpriced as they appear to me? Far out... I can't believe I've managed to draw myself away from the soccer for this long! (in case people aren't aware, Australia is currently in a state of mass hysteria after making the second round of the World Cup for the first time ). I think I'd better get back to the soccer - it's like an addiction at the moment, but any responses or answers would be much appreciated!
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