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For Sam Chambers


I hope you have all been able to find the new Rough River Website. I

haven't heard of any problems. Just in case you missed the announcement, the website has been moved to its own server and has a distinctive address. The new address is




Try it, you will like it. If you have navigated around the site, you have probably looked at the link labeled "Prizes". Thanks to all who donated prizes for last year's fly-in. Due to my haste, i am sure that some were left out and I apologize for that.


With this e-mail, I am looking for prize donotations for the 2002 fly-in. Your donations will be listed on the website for all to see and will be given away by random drawing at Terry and Jan's cabin fling. This year, Bob Bittner will NOT draw for the prizes. As a matter of fact, if he shows up hobbling or on crutches, I am going to have a doctor look at him to assess the validity of his complaints, or just send him to the wrong cabin!


If you have something EZ-related to donate for a door prize, or just general aviation stuff that could be used in a canard, please contact me at sam@roughriver.org or click on the link at the bottom of the prizes page. I can also be reached at 270-651-3732 or 270-646-0516. Your donation will be listed on the website for all to see.

Regards, Nick


Charleston, SC LongEZ, N29TM, 2400 hrs


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