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Happiness is a new Pegboard

Jon Matcho


I can see how writing about adding a pegboard might seem a bit ridiculous or trivial to some, but this was a big deal for me.  I haven't had a fully working shop in about 10 years, and this pegboard marks a major milestone for me.  I am getting back in business.  

Note the lone hammer, which I feel I have to explain it is tongue-in-cheek since I once caught some flak for posting a similar first pegboard pick from my old shop.  Tell me that's not funny!  😉


You can see the put-wheels-on-everything mantra is working for me as well. 


I need to insulate and cover the left-side wall in insulation and plywood, and I'm going to extend the right-side section to use the same pegboard+plywood combination.  I'm going to spray foam the ceiling joists and then do the remainder of the walls by October at the latest.  I need to make room for my incoming Quickie TriQ-200 project, and this is all part of that plan.  Yikes I have sh'tuff to do!


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