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Posts posted by NolaDoogie

  1. Oh I see. It’s ok to talk to adults like a child so long as you put a smiley face at the end. Got it. Second, are you going to suggest I need to make numerous contributions to this forum before being granted the privilege to ask a simple question? Did I break the rules of internet inquires your highness?  You also presume to know what kind of research I’ve done before posting.  How clairvoyant of you. You know damn well what I meant in my question because you answered it point blank by the “probably ok if you’re not a Cozy builder” reply.  What baffles me is what compels another adult to attach backhanded compliments to otherwise civil discourse. Perhaps my reply caught you off guard, but when honest attempts at conversation are met with keyboard tough guy attitudes, well, that’s my reaction. 

  2. On 5/8/2020 at 3:48 PM, Kent Ashton said:

    Well, there is a website called Google, see, and you go to Google.com and  type in . . . . oh nevermind. 

    Never underestimate the ability of the internet to turn ordinary adults into condescending ********. 

  3. Hello all.  I'm in the process of building a Long EZ here in S Florida.  Wings have been completed and moving on to the Canard and Main Spar.  It turns out, Aircraft Spruce stopped selling the 3" UNI tape I had used for the wing spar caps.  After many, many calls and frustration, it seems that they have no plans to re-stock this tape and have replaced it with another version.  AS won't put me in touch with the supplier to ask any technical questions and those directed at customer service have been met with a "this new tape seems to be very similar" kind of attitude.  This is not good enough for me.  Wick's seems to still sell the old stuff but it's $4.42/YD.  I previously purchased my 3" tape from AS at $2.45/yd.  After my continued calls, AS finally put out a YouTube video from the supplier but none of my questions were answered in it.  The video focuses on the locking thread.  All I can tell from the videos is that this new product appears to have 35 strands and the older stuff had/has 27 strands.  

    1.  Does anyone have information on where this stuff is produced and how I can get a hold of some without the 2x price increase Wick's is charging?

    2.  Is there any literature /information about how this new material compares to the older version of tape?

    3.  Has anyone used the newer tape as a replacement as if so, what are your thoughts?

    New Product in Question: (see video at the bottom of the page)





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