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Posts posted by foolishforchrist

  1. Bill, What are you building?  I am in Concord, not far down the road.  


    I can't recall any place in the plans where the end of a length of UNI is joined to the end of another length of UNI.  In lots of places UNI is laid-up side-by-side to cover a wide area or on top of other UNI as in a spar-cap buildup.


    I'm building a Cozy mark iv.

  2. Your first image is correct - if the UNI needs to be "wider", you butt the fibers. The second image is a misunderstanding. The plans are referring to making the fibers LONGER, not crossing. So if you need to lengthen the fibers, you take the red image in your first pic and overlap the top 1" onto the bottom 1" of the black image. That will allow the fibers to transfer the load.

    Awesome thanks for the quick reply Marc.

  3. I'm a newbie when it comes to working with fiberglass so forgive me if I'm asking a duplicate question.  I did check around on google and didn't find the answer.  The Mark IV reads on chapter 3 page 3: "When joining UND across the major fibers, it is lapped 1" per ply, but when joining UND along the major fibers, it is butted next to the piece it is joining."  Could someone please elaborate on what they mean by "across" and "along"?


    See the attached png for my understanding of the text.


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