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Posts posted by seafeye

  1. I believe it's the o-360. I will double check. I remember him flying with me in Florida in a 152 and he didn't really like the lack of power in the 320. Right now his gross t/o weight is 1600lbs. He is trying to get it higher for the baggage pods.


    Sorry, i was wrong. It has the O-320. 160HP. New pictures of the panel to come, some mods were made for a digital standby attitude indicator.

  2. I believe it's the o-360. I will double check. I remember him flying with me in Florida in a 152 and he didn't really like the lack of power in the 320. Right now his gross t/o weight is 1600lbs. He is trying to get it higher for the baggage pods.

  3. Unfortunatly the guy who painted his airplane just recently died of heart disease. He was one of those essentric people who wouldn't see a doctor for any reason. It's a shame because when i first saw the paint I was amazed. All graphics are hand painted. I remember my Uncle complaining about how expensive he was and that it took longer than anticipated. But that is almost expected. The while paint is a pearl with a light clear coat. The bad part is that the painter died with all the secrets. Like what kind of paint and the exact colours etc...

  4. Sorry my bad, should have been more clear. It's my Uncle's airplane, he finished it Jan 09, I was going to England to fly it in March but at his airfield they film the TV show Top Gear and the only day the weather was nice the airport was closed. I live in the US and i don't get much time off to go to England. So finally i was able to fly it this month.

    First i sat in the back and we did some air work. Stalls were light and easy, then some steep turns and climbs/descents.

    After some fun flying around we went back to the airport and did some touch and goes. I could get it down to about 50-100 feet before i couldn't see the runway. (I was still in the back). Then after a couple of those we switched seats and off we went. View is much better up front. But my feet were cramped, and seemed to be sitting on the rudders the whole time.

    When we went for a cruise i ended up sneaking them behind the pedals to give me a rest.

    We were indicating about 145knots cruise. The elevator seemed to be in the up position while in cruise. Don't know if that was because it was too light up front? Anyway had a hoot. My uncle is changing some of the instruments as we speak. The turn and bank is going away and a small digital AH is going in its place and some other stuff. Next time i go over i will take some more pictures.

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