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Posts posted by Steven

  1. I came by the following from another forum, the relevant excerpt is reproduced here.


    I don't recommend against many books, but please skip anything written by Martin Hollman. His technical stuff is a mixed bag of OK engineering and erroneous stuff (he takes shortcuts, uses fractions of the real analysis, etc.) , and you have to know which is which up front to be safe about it, which makes it pretty much useless to learn from. A classic case of someone violating the old adage "If you don't think too well, don't think too much". Avoid it.

    The above post relates to a topic, 'What resources have you used?'


    By posting the above I'm not suggesting for one minute that I agree or disagree with the comments. I've got one of his books and as I mentioned previously I'm not impressed with the quality of publishing but I'll read it anyway, along with other references I've got. In time I'll be able to, hopefully, make my own judgements.

  2. Is it on all or a particular one? Does the video load the whole way?



    It seems to work now.



    I spoke too soon. The Jet T/O video is working but then checking the Cozy video, that stops waiting for me to hit the play button. Every 5 seconds or so. It's the same with some of the others.

  3. I am not saying to ignore those five books, but you will learn more reading the first two chapters and then DOING chapter three. The experience and fun you will have will go much farther than the time it will take you to read the books.


    You will have plenty of time to read later, its time now to start building. You will learn much more by doing, as opposed to just reading.



    I hear what you are saying (or should that be, "I read what you are writing") and agree that 'doing' is the best form of learning.


    I'm not in a position right now to actually start the build though for me for all intents and purposes the project has begun. There are certain tasks that need to be done first and they will take some time.


    I'm still to convince the minister for finance and war; she's not very impressed at the moment. In time I'll get her to see my way of thinking (hopefully).

  4. I finally got a call from the Australian Solidworks rep earlier in the week. I apologised for wasting his time as the prices were way out of my league. He suggested Alibre.


    I've been tinkering with Rhino, ViaCad and Power-shape-e. Really need to devote some serious time and get the basics down pat.


    Colin, is it Power-Shape-e (free version) from Delcam that you are using?

  5. It's now official. I'm the proud owner of Cozy Plans serial number 1583. They arrived yesterday (Fri 26 June '09). It was a bit of a surprise receiving them as checking the FedEx tracking site all week they were due to be delivered by or on Monday (29 June). When I checked the tracking site yesterday morning I was surprised to read the last movement being, left Derrimut (my local area) in delivery van for delivery (or words to that effect).


    In the process I also ordered the following books:


    How to Build Composite Aircraft - Martin Hollman

    Understanding Aircraft Composite Construction - Zeke Smith

    Advanced Composite Techniques - Zeke Smith

    Vacuum Bagging Techniques - West System

    Moldless Composite Sandwich Aircraft Construction - 4th Ed. RAF


    I'm not impressed with the publishing of the Martin Hollman book. All photographs are of a grainy black and white quality and yet the cover is in colour. I can't comment on the content, haven't read it yet.


    Anyway, I've got a lot of reading to do.

  6. I'm currently seeking out CAD software to run with. Does anyone have ball park figures on the price of Solidworks (basic, intermediate & premium). A frustrating aspect of their website is that no prices are listed, you have to request a quote. I've done that and I'm told a representative will contact me within a day or two. It's now the weekend and so I won't get any replies until Monday, maybe Tuesday accounting for the fact I'm in Australia.


    Steven, unless your employer is purchasing it for you be prepared for a shock :rolleyes:

    Ok, I'll make sure I'm sitting when the email arrives......

  7. I'm currently seeking out CAD software to run with. Does anyone have ball park figures on the price of Solidworks (basic, intermediate & premium). A frustrating aspect of their website is that no prices are listed, you have to request a quote. I've done that and I'm told a representative will contact me within a day or two. It's now the weekend and so I won't get any replies until Monday, maybe Tuesday accounting for the fact I'm in Australia.

  8. Steven

    Check this out, here is a long thread about different type of programs which you can use in design process, some examples, links, prices, availability for no commercial and commercial usage, etc.



    Thanks Mac, a very long thread indeed. I bookmarked a heap of cad sites and will check them out in time. Rhino seems to get a tick.


    Now to the topic at hand, looking forward to seeing this project develop or at least get to see the cad drawings.

  9. You're looking at it the wrong way Steve. There are many tales here and in the mailing list archive of those who have indicated that the thing they buy will be included in a homebuilt aircraft, and the supplier gets cold feet and refuses to sell. Fearing liability issues maybe?

    I half suspected it would be a liability type issue. We obviously live in a world where we can't take responsibility for our own actions and must always blame somebody else.


    Make your own choice whether to be up front with a local supplier or not. I was honest for three reasons, I'm basically inclined to be honest, I wanted to see what would happen if I mentioned aircraft, I was too stupid to have a believable cover story available when he asked what I wanted it for.


    I'm ready to buy some stuff now, maybe I'll just fax him an order (including urethane) and see what happens:cool:

    Exciting times ahead.

  10. They also have Urethane foam, but I mentioned the word "aircraft" so he didn't want to discuss it. Oops, (thinks: next time don't ring after the night shift and have a cover story ready - I couldn't think of anything on the spot...) I might try again when I'm ready to order, saying I need it for making male molds & cowling lips, etc. but I need it for the nose also... On the other hand they are completely cool with selling the Divinycel for making an aircraft!


    Mark, I don't understand this. A supplier not wanting to sell a product that is in stock.

  11. Steve


    The Long/Open and the Cozy have basically the same construction if you disregard size. A Cozy builder would be helpful to a Long/Open and vice versa. The only real change I can think of off hand are the NACA scoop and main undercarriage mounts. Oh, and the way the interior is 'contoured', although if I built an Open I would use that method and the main undercarriage.


    I was fairly heavily involved in rewriting the plans for the OpenEZ but have lost interest.


    Not wanting to make your decision harder though.


    Anyhow, I am in Queensland and not building yet so not much help to you.

    I spent a good few hours yesterday reading the initial Open EZ thread, only breaking for lunch. Then read a few posts from other related type threads where copyright was discussed and argued. At the end of it I was more confused than when I started, though I gathered and sensed that interest in the Open EZ had waned.


    I also came across the AeroCanard site, so now there's another option but as you say the construction methods are probably the same anyway.

  12. Thanks everyone.


    I probably will stick with the Cozy for the main reason it seems to be well supported both here and other lists and from a novice point of view that's a big plus. I do like the idea of the Open EZ but from a novice point of view it appears to be fragmented. If I had some experience to start with that probably wouldn't be an issue.


    The Canard Muster; I was looking over the site last night, great idea and hopefully I'll be there in six months time.


    Also I'd to meet and greet my fellow Melbournites, would really like to check out workshops and discuss the 'getting started' phase.


    EDIT: Really need a catchy username.

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