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Posts posted by MyUnclesLongEZ

  1. Once again thanks again for all the responses. In all honesty...Those were more the responses I was expecting.


    It is painted...so it sounds like that is a big step out of the way. The reason I was holding up on the engine rebuild is I wasn't sure if the break-in procedures for a new engine would coinside with test flight procedures of a new plane. I still don't feel dumb though because a lot of experienced pilots have recommended the same thing.


    He has had the plane assembled and the controls working on the ground. Still expecting a lot of tweaking.


    So we have anywhere from 10 days to 10 years...Cool. :cool:


    Step 1 is moving the airplane from Iowa to Colorado. I will let you know when its complete.

  2. I am trying to get a ball park idea of how long it might take to finish the attached Long EZ. My uncle, who built all the pieces says he could do it in 3 weeks...but that might be 3 weeks of 20 hour days...so I am looking for a second opinion. (No offense if you read this Scott) Please take a look a the pic.


    1. He has a 118 hp engine.

    2. All fiberglass work is complete.

    3. Wings, Canard, and Cockpit are complete.

    4. Instruments are installed but not wired.


    My uncle says all it really needs is to be assembled. The engine is at TBO, but will have compressions checked and some other stuff. IE No rebuild until the plane is test flown and working well.


    Does anyone care to make any guess's? He has offered to let me assume responsibility and I am trying to get an idea of what I would be getting into.


    We are assuming there is no rework on the stuff that is done. Uncle Scott is pretty good.




  3. Thanks for both responses. I will begin investigation. Also planning on stopping in the hangar where the homebuilders hang out next nice day. Not much flying going on lately.


    Thanks again!!


  4. Hello all. I recently came across a good opportunity on a Long EZ that is almost finished.


    I live in Colorado and fly from the Erie airport. I have seen a few Long EZ's in hangars at Erie and hoping some of those folks frequent this website.


    Any Front Range Long EZ pilots who are willing to answer some questions about assembly of the airplane and getting it flying please respond. I would also like the opportunity to ride in a Long EZ.


    My uncle built the plane from scratch and all the pieces are complete. Please see pics attached. In his words..."I could have it ready to fly in 3-4 weeks"


    He is a 15k hour airline pilot, and I am a 250 hour IT Professional. If you are available for a conversation please respond.



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