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Bean Counter

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Posts posted by Bean Counter

  1. I read on Aerocad's website that their canopy has 2" more headroom. Is that something the Cozy Mk IV is lacking?


    I'm just about to buy the plans, but have never actually sat in one. How tall a pilot can comfortably fit?

  2. I am considering building a Cozy Mk IV with three of my teenage sons. We have 4x the manpower so I hope that 2500 hours becomes 600 to 700 hours of four people working together. What are your thoughts?


    Now that you have been through the entire build, if you wanted to shorten the time investment, what two or three things would you buy from somebody who does pre-fab parts? What would give the most time reduction per dollar spent?


    Thanks in advance!

  3. I have been researching the Cozy Mk IV for a while and will likely buy a set of plans within the week.


    I have some questions I need answered before I do, so I hope you folks can help me.


    1. Aerocad's website mentions a canopy with more headroom (2 inches in height and 2 inches in width) for the front seats. Does the standard Cozy MK IV canopy lack in this area? How tall does a pilot have to be before needing the extra height?


    2. I would prefer to build from plans rather than a kit (hence the Cozy). I would like to buy some pre-fab parts to speed the process, however, but I'd need to be thrifty about the cost (hence my screen name :D ). If you were going to recommend some pre-fab components to go on a Cozy Mk IV based on the most "bang for the buck" (build time saved per dollar spent) what would be the top priorities?


    3. What is the limiting factor for the 220 mph top speed? When I see planes like the Berkut going much faster, I wondered what limits the Cozy. If more horsepower were available at the same installed weight, what would have to be modified or redesigned to cruise as fast as say, a new mooney.


    Thanks in advance!

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