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Posts posted by jwright

  1. I'm at the bean-counter stage getting together costs and such. Anyone have a ballpark estimate for how many gals of epoxy are used to complete a cozy iv?


    It's probably spelled out in the plans (the plans that I haven't bought yet... holding out until I can see one of these birds in person at rough river).


    thanks.. JESSE

  2. I'm new here, but I've put some thought into the same issue. Right now, my fam is wife+infant; but by the time the cozy is finished, we may very well be a 4-person family with mucho baggage. Here's my solution: fedex/ups


    For every trip that we have taken in the Cherokee, we could have easily shipped a box of clothes in advance to the FBO, hotel, or house that we were visiting. It takes some planning, but can be done.... Jesse

  3. Hey folks, I've been bouncing back and forth on whether to build a Cozy or an RV-10... After considering my mission (300-500 nm xc's; wife and one child... presently an infant), construction cost, tool requirements and FUEL BURN, I'm pretty certain that the Cozy is the right craft for me. Problem is, I've never seen one in person.


    Are there any in the North Georgia area? I'm hoping to be able to hop in one and take a look-see.


    Worst case, I'll wait until Rough River and stop by, but waiting isn't any fun.


    I'm based at RYY, but will meet up wherever you are.


    Thanks in advance... Jesse

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