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Posts posted by TiggerMoth

  1. ... so it makes perfect sense that you're building a plane that is back-the-front... to match your career!




    Seriously, it's nice to read about canard-folk inspired, it would seem, by Frank Sinatra to all "...[do] it my way."


    When I grow up and get my PPL, and then my Long EZ, I plan to finance flying from the misery of others. That is to say, I'm a psychologist.


    I have been an attorney since the mid ninties. Estate Planning, Elder Law, Probate and some Asset Protection stuff. However, five years ago I persued my other career ambition and became a police officer (my undergrad degree is in Criminal Justice). I am currently a police Cpl and really enjoy it. Still practice, but can be much more selective to the clients I hire. I am basking in the benefits of choice and am choosing not to currently practice much law:cool2: . I expect to do more again down the road though.


    Was able to buy my Velocity kit when I unexpectanly had two clients pay me for some work....so, before I spent it on something stupid, like bills, I wrote a check to Velocity Inc.


    All the best,



  2. I've set my sites on an EZ, and following advice from you folks, have been in touch with Dave Orr regarding information about EZ's in general, as well as available examples.


    At this point, he recommends I seek out a mentor who could provide information about some of the nuts and bolts like, insurance issues locally (Canada), obtaining EZ training to qualify for that insurance, storage issues (Springbank, Calgary, elsewhere in the area).


    If there's an EZ driver in the Calgary/Springbank...Southern Alberta area who'd like to provide some guidance ...take me under the canard, yuk yuk yuk, ...


    I'd appreciate the assistance, and won't make a nuisance of myself.





  3. The conversion process to get a US pilot's license is relatively straight forward and is documented in AC 401, which can be found at




    If you can find a seller that is willing to bring it to you so much the better.


    Dave, thanks for this info. This is great. One of the selling points of this aviation plan, to my other half, is the promise it holds to take her on cross-border visits to see family and friends in Dayton! And from Calgary? How about doing that in a c-150! Heheh.



  4. Dave,


    Thanks for your reply here.


    At the moment, I'm not yet a pilot -- I'm about to do my first solo here in the next week or so. Once purchased, I'll have to have someone bring it up, or orchestrate the conversion you mention. (Hopefully it's less of a hassle than the full process of getting a US pilot licence, buy I've got a funny feeling...).


    I'll go after that issue of COPA.





  5. Hey Trevor,


    Thanks so much for your reply here.


    I've already been in touch with Dave "Beagle" Orr, and he's been, as advertised, a wealth of information. He gave me a couple of links on the topic of dealing with the issue of cross border shopping, and as an alternative, cross border registration via setting up a corporation in Delaware. I couldn't open the links, and suspect it's 'cause I wasn't a member of EAA that I couldn't gain access.


    So I've joined EAA, in the last 36 hours, and await activation of that sucker, and the access benefits that will bestow upon me.


    Great suggestion about checking out the discussion from the local-ish forum. I'll do that tonight. I want to get all my ducks (arr, arr, arr) in a row when comes to acquisition time. A smooth process would be awful nice if I can orchestrate it.


    I hope you'll let me know the ins and outs, if it turns out you bring a plane back from the US.


    And by all means I'd sure be interested to keep tabs on the status of your build.


    Well, nice to "meet you" here on this forum.



  6. Greetings gentlemen and gentlewomen,


    I'm quite new here, and apologize if this is a repeat on account of my archive searching skills being less than they should.


    I've decided on a LongEZ for my first and, hopefully, only plane -- once I complete my training...this summer (?)


    Expecting pickins is slimmer in Canada than the US, I wonder if anyone has brought one in (from the US), and could you point me in the right direction so I may inform myself of all I will need to know about so doing?


    Thanks in advance,



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