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Posts posted by DBforfun

  1. Well I've made up my mind. I bought an O-360 A4M which is only 10 lbs heavier than the O-320 I have in there now. I am ordering a new Catto 3 blade prop for the increased HP. I have had excellent results from the Catto 3 blade I have on the plane now. Any suggestions on mods to improve engine performance or installation tips while I am down for the installation.


    Thanks for everyones positive input and a pox on those who said DON'T DO IT.



  2. I want to put more HP in my LongEZ. I have found a little info about putting a Lyc. 360 in but I want to look at all the pros and cons before proceeding.


    I have also had some interest in rotary engines for a long time. Now it is decision time. IO-360 lyc. or ??


    I woud like to get input from those who have done either of these conversions on what I should watch out for. Do or not do.


    Thanks in advance for your constructive input.


    Nay sayers and party poopers need not respond.

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