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Posts posted by Lowlevldevl

  1. Hi,

    I bought myself a Long-EZ last year and the previous owner covered the interior in white boat carpet. I'd like to strip it out and paint the interior. Getting the carpet out will be easy but does anybody know of a product which is safe to use on our foam core aeroplanes that will effectively remove the contact cement that its stuck down with?



  2. Hi again folks (and Happy New Year)

    I'm installing an EDM 700 Graphic engine monitor in my Long EZ. (I really want to know whats going on back there!) I got the fuel flow option with it and was wondering if any other EZ owners have the same.

    My O-320 has a fuel return line Tee'd into the feed line right where it goes into the carburettor. I need to fit the fuel flow transducer in AFTER the return line tee to get an accurate fuel flow reading. The limited space between the engine and the firewall is going to make plumbing a real hassle I think.

    Do all EZ's with the O-320 have a return line and what is its primary function?

    My fuel flow transducer would be a much easier fit if the return line wasn't there.

    Regardless of what responses I get, I WILL talk to a certified engine guy about this before I do the fit but was hoping for some EZ insight from the knowledgable in our little community first.



  3. Drew,

    C of G is definitely within limits, just a little towards the back of the envelope.



    Thanks again for your advice. The ailerons were hanging roughly a 1/4" with the play taken up. I think thats most likely my problem. I won't have a chance to fly it till the longer loom for my new EDM 700 gets over here and I have that fitted, hopefully next week. I've got my fingers crossed that I'll pick up a few knots also. Aileron acting like flap must create some drag as well right?

    I'll let you know when I have a chance to test it:)

  4. Hi everyone,

    I've owned a LongEz since Easter '06 and have flown around 80 hours on it since then. The C of G in my plane is Ok, a little toward the rear of the envelope because of the O-320 I guess but still well within limits. Trouble is that I always have to hold some back elevator to keep her straight and level. Full aft pitch trim won't do it. Now I've noticed that both ailerons are set slightly down instead of being perfectly in trail. Is this normal? Am I going to adversely affect some other flying quality if I set them both up a little by lengthening the RH control rod at the pitch link at the firewall?

    Also she tends to want to roll right unless the RH fuel tank is way lower than the LH and aileron trim set well left. An EZ builder said this was easily fixed by adding a washer to a wing bolt? Unfortunately he's out of the country now so I can't contact him to elaborate. Any suggestions?



  5. I've found a Long EZ for sale here in Australia and am going to have a look at it this coming weekend. I know nothing about them except what I've picked up on the internet. I travel long distances to remote places here in Australia and the fuel efficiency for speed and range/ purchase price equation of the Long really appeals. I know I'll have to stick to lengthy sealed runways but that shouldn't be a major problem most of the time.


    My question is, what should I be looking for at the pre-purchase inspection?

    The a/c in question was built in '88 and has 200 hrs on a 2nd life engine.(O-235)

    Are there any structural issues with a plane this age?

    If I do in fact buy it, where do I find a cruise prop? It has a climb prop on at the moment?

    Thanks in advance,


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