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About Velocity_Russia

  • Birthday 02/23/1970

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  • Plane Type
    Velocity (173/SE/XL/SUV/Twin)

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Now I have no any answers on first question. We are not finish this project. Give me some time for test flights. Second trouble is technology. Our building technology developed for assembling all parts together with forms, supports and many other additional equipment. If I will sell only parts in accordance with 51% rule assembling will be complex and astable. I have Lycoming IO-360 (180 h.p.) for this project. Cowls developed for 4 cylinders Lycoming.
  2. brainfart this photos of 2009 year. We do not stop our project in this year more photos at: http://www.reaa.ru/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?num=1189771013/870
  3. Digital camo Mig-29 http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/hyperstealths-fractal-camo-patterns-successfully-tested-for-aircraft-01716/ http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread227171/pg1 I correct it. We use another type of epoxy developed for us.
  4. I just give right translation of russian language from ths topic. I don't sense of it. дырка/отверстие = hole , открытия = openings This is totally different words . Unfortunately I don't know these materials. I never use it. We use other materials, not presented on US market. We will use honeycombs in several reasons - weight and paint. My dream to have digital camouflage painting or grey. Using of honeycombs is more difficultly, but we can do it. When I see this methods of assembling I say - No! When I reading "Velocity manual of assembling" all parts of manual begins from - "leveling your airplane". http://www.silverstatenews.com/newssections/Aviation/nxtnov2002/pagesx1/page12.htm This methods can be used only in garage or unique project. Some parts impossible to install with good quality without additional equipment. We will use patterns, building berth and other adaptation to make assembling faster, easier and more cheaply. For example in Velocity kit we use special equipment like this (canard hinges install support):
  5. Right translation: Do you sold holes in the world? ------- Russian language is very complex. You can see the pictures of our project and post questions here. Russian forum, like here, have many special words, jokes and abbreviations.
  6. some new photos from today http://www.reaa.ru/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?num=1189771013/570 After two weeks we will get honeycomb and will prepare to make bottom part of fuselage and strakes. Strange, but we get price on honeycomb better than on dyvinicell. I never compare that prices before.
  7. Information from Infinity website: $32,635.00 [ $1000 refundable (no risk -- money goes into a Trust / Escrow Account) minimum deposit per Infinity 1 Quick Build Kit order ]. Deliveries will begin about 6 months after the tooling molds are completed (only $500K to go). ------------------------------------- I think JD need another 495 deposites to start production Same situation as with DeltaHawk. JD not sold retractable gears for my project one year ago. No problem, we will produce himself. It's just time delay. P.S. I have not any business plans about this airplane, it just hobby for me.
  8. Slowly, slowly. I don't want to make competition on any market. I just want to make my dream. May be in future this airplane be presented on US market, but I don't ready now to speak about it. I'm not be ready when airplane make first flight. I must get all flight test done and this road is long.
  9. Yes! You must know characteristics of foam exactly to be sure. We have multilayers several days filling. Foam used only to fix scratchs of styrofoams that we have in big quantity. Filling of each box take approx one week with heating of each layer. Be extreemly accurate with expanding foam, in other case you can destroy your mold! Thanks Cozy Girrrl for good question!
  10. If you see deeper you find another engines, weigth, materials and other . Sorry for my missunderstanding. Model produced from plywood (cutted from digital model with approx 4" steps). Plywood installed on 3 square extruded aluminium profiles. Spaces between plywood filled styrofoam and screewed together. We use additional supports for assembling to get accurate positioning aluminium profiles and plywood. Model of fuselage assemled from 3 main blocks and after 3 blocks has been jouned together. Before final joining, surfaces has been composite covered. And every steps all sizes checked, checked and checked. Fuselage model get approx 1 mounth of work.
  11. Russians never just copy. Copying is China business We try to make better
  12. molds produced: mold surface -epoxy gelcoat (approx 0.06" thickness) mold body - approx 12-15 layers of glass, more than 0.6" thickness (cloth like your Triax in Velocity wings, but Bi directional. This glass have very low cost for me and good quality ) mold box strengthening - sandwiches from BID & styrofoam (spaces inside box cells foam filled) No ANY wood and metall parts! This materials can give water and thermo troubles in molds. Only one (buttom fuselage and strakes) mold in our aircraft have plywood (water proof) inside, but additionaly water protected. We use wood in case of big size and weight of this mold. I saw Velocity and Berkut molds. This molds have no "box strengthening" and composite details from Velocity kit have some changes from original design. Just trust me or ask other kit builders that can say you were and how much inches you must rebuild in the kit. Molds is mother and father of composite aircraft. If parents have curves, all childrens will be curved too or must meet with doctors .
  13. We have good team and no any problem with financing. I have 3 Velocity kit's and second kit has been builded in 3 mounths (all composite work without engine and avionics). You see model. This model used to produce molds. Wings and winglets in model can be separated from fuselage. In other case we can't rotate model. Winglet model can be separated from wing model to make possibility for change winglets form in next mold generation in future (If we want to change it we just make 4 new small molds without changing big wings molds).
  14. Yes, this is our forum page. After one mounth (in march) we will be ready to make frst details. We will try to finish airframe to show this concept at our airshow in Zhukovsky (MAKS-2009, 18-23 august). First flight planned in 2010.
  15. Yes, nothing new.... just details ..... we just collect it together.
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