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  1. I have been flying your Cozy in and out of airports in the LA area. This is a fantastic tool. Saying that X-PLANE rocks understates the case.
  2. I don't understand the comment about the landing struts. Can you explain?
  3. Good luck to you, Al. This AeroCanard thing has caused no small amount of apoplexy on the various internet forums and lists that underlie the Cozard community. Best of luck to you.
  4. Read "Passionate Marriage" by David Schnarch and check out the web site at Murray Bowen Center for some good info on marriage and life. My 5 second analysis of this is that she feels that her emotional needs are not being/will not be met. I think it is a good thing for kids to see their parents setting reasonable goals, making rational plans and then working through the unforseen things. Prior planning can reduce, but not eliminate, the unforseen. There's a lot of information on the web and other people are doing this. This isn't like mountain climbing or some singular activity.
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