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15/6.00x6 Wheel Pants


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Does anyone have wheelpants on their AeroCanard 15/6;00x6 wheels? I was told by Sam James of Holy Cowls to split a 5.00x5 wp and add the necessary spacer in the middle. Sounds like a lot of work to me. He has 6.00x6 WP but says they are just enormous.

Long Ez, AeroCanard

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Does anyone have wheelpants on their AeroCanard 15/6;00x6 wheels? I was told by Sam James of Holy Cowls to split a 5.00x5 wp and add the necessary spacer in the middle. Sounds like a lot of work to me. He has 6.00x6 WP but says they are just enormous.

why are you using that big a wheel. most use the 5.00x5 wheel and tire.

Evolultion Eze RG -a two place side by side-200 Knots on 200 HP. A&P / pilot for over 30 years

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  • 4 weeks later...


I guess Jeff Russell called for that on the AeroCanard to get lots of braking. It's got big double pluck Clevelands. I think Grove has some pretty hefty 5:00x5's now and I might have gone with them if they had been available when I bought the 15/6:00x6's.

I bought some 6:00x6 wheel pants from Sam's Aircraft. They make the small Lamb size, regular 5:00x5 and the 6:00x6's. Gary Hertzler designed them and they are reasonably priced. The ones I got are huge however. I think I will put them on until I find something a little smaller.

I got the airplane painted now I've got to sell the LongEz to buy all the Avionics. I wonder if mine will be the first SX flying.


Long Ez, AeroCanard

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  • 3 weeks later...

Theres a really nice guy at Jacks airfield that has a Cozy IV running the 6.0 tires. I am hoping Jack will chime in with what kind of pant the guy has on his plane. I remember they look like widened Featherlight wheelpants to me. Personally, i think the FWP are really shaped attractively. I recently asked if anyone on the mailing list knew of a major aero difference between the Klaus wheelpants design and the FPW design, but nobody answered.

It wouldnt be any big deal to widen some existing pants at all. Theres a lot of handwork fitting and mounting pants anyway. Whats a little bit more work to get them custom to your liking? NBD.

The "big double puck Clevelands" dont absorb the kinetic energy that the Matco's do. And the Matco's are attractively priced, I think for a 3 puck brake. My .02

Self confessed Wingnut.

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Progress; Fuselage on all three, with outside and inside nearly complete. 8 inch extended nose. FHC done. Canard finished. ERacer wings done with blended winglets. IO540 starting rebuild. Mounting Spar. Starting strake ribs.

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