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My name is Lynn, from Fort Smith, arkansas. I have 2 1/2 jobs. Job one is my primary and it is for TAC Air, the FBO at the Fort Smith Reginal Airport (FSM). I am the line,training, and Quality Control supervisor. I have worked there for 15 years and still love being around all the different aircraft, civilian and military. I have flown in corporate jets, steermans (one local and also the Red Baron demo team. Arobatics are alot of fun in an open cockpit), super chipmunk, swift, VE, B-17( most interesting, I sat in the nose gunner seat while landing). I have fueled many aircraft from altra lights to c-5's and 747s. Wide range of military jets including the f-117 Stealth Fighter. I have a awsome picture of the Stealth at our front door ( here for airshow)I will post later. I am a pilot with 200 hours, mostly in a tamahawk and c-172 I do not have my instrument rating yet.


My second job is as a paramedic for one of the hospitals in town. I dont work there alot, just enough to stay employed and keep my license. I also love helping people. This ties into my 1/2 job which is a paramedic for long distance transfers(spare cash job, and what will fund my projects) I say its only a half job becuase its volentary. I get paid for my time but I can turn down the trip If I dont want to, or cant take it.


My Screen name is Velocity Dreamer because I ultimately want a Velocity XL with retracts. However 45000 for the kit just to get started is a little out of my price range at this time.

I was told about this site for the VE pilot based here. I started reading all the post for velocity and the long-ez. And after seeing a long ez come through here with the infinity gear retracts, I fell in love with long-ezs too. I also figured I could build a long buying parts just as I go, also it would be good practice. After completing the long I do not plan on selling it when I build my velocity. Someone told me in a post that few finish one plane much less two. If thats the case and I dont want to build a velocity after my long then I plan on buying a prebuilt one.


Currently as of today 9-13-06 I am saving funds to build a work shop and to buy the initial foam, glass, and prictice kits. probably a couple practice kits becasue I plan on building my wings and canard first. Once again I was advised against this. My reson for wings first is its easier to store them. My shop can only be so big because my yard is only so big. Wings I can put in the loft above my shed or even in the den in my house leaving all the room to work on the fuse. If I build the fuse first, it would be harder to get out of the way while I build the wings. I do have the RAF CD, new canard plans, and the downloaded templates off this site.


I plan to build a open ez with some mods. Most definatly the infinity retracts will be included. I want to put a desiel engine on it, probably the deltahawk. and If I go with that, Its said I will need to lengthen my fuse. If I do widen my fuse it wont be by much. Im not wanting to break a speed record or race, I just want to do about 200 true at 15000 ft.


one last thing about me which im sure you have already noticed. I am not good with spelling, grammor, or typing.


be looking for your post


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