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In preparation for building I've been trying to find local sources for glass, foam, and epoxy. The foam shouldn't be too big of a problem but getting glass as it is described in Wicks (ie. BID 8.8 oz and UNI 7.0 oz) is a problem around here. I have been using the Wicks numbers in the absence of any other information, but is there a range of weights that are acceptable?


Also more generally, are there any guidelines for the foam (ie. I notice that Wicks says that their polystyrene has a flame retardant addative, should I ensure that the supply I get also has this?) and epoxy that I should be looking out for?


Is this type of infomration in the plans (ie. not just the approved/non-approved suppliers)?

Rui Lopes

Cozy MkIV S/N: 1121

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No, this type of info isnt in the plans. But it is in the archives. Use Rick Maddy's search engine:




You'll find lots of discussion about foam and glass alternative suppiers for non-us builders. Also, you'll find a number of canadian builders who've been through the same issues. I think many just drive down with a truck and pick it up from Wicks.

I can be reached on the "other" forum http://canardaviationforum.dmt.net

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