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Early Christmas for Cozy Midnight


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I gave myself an early Christmas gift this year... I completed Chapter 7!!!!



Good grief, with my travel schedule it took 6 months!!!


Yes, ritualistic airplanes noises where made. We'll be traveling home for a couple weeks over Christmas, then I'll be starting CH8 the first of the year! :):banana:


Drew Chaplin (aka the Foam Whisperer)


www.Cozy1200.com - I'm a builder now! :cool:


Brace for impact...

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I must say though, Amy and yourself look like you are enjoying a rollercoaster ride in that picture :)

No rollercoaster...



Posted Image



Now hopefully you behaved well enough this year for Santa to bring more building supplies!

Me too. I just ordered another 20 yards of BID. I bough last week a 5 kg kit of MGS. Cost me $430aud or about $280usd. ouch

Drew Chaplin (aka the Foam Whisperer)


www.Cozy1200.com - I'm a builder now! :cool:


Brace for impact...

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I was wondering if Drew might like to comment on his feelings of having waited and waited to start building and how he feels now that his plane is taking shape. Here comes another years end and some guys are still waiting to start building, or stopped and just lurking..or anything inbetween.

Any motivational words!!!???

Self confessed Wingnut.

Now think about it...wouldn't you rather LIVE your life, rather than watch someone else's, on Reality T.V.?

Get up off that couch!!! =)


Progress; Fuselage on all three, with outside and inside nearly complete. 8 inch extended nose. FHC done. Canard finished. ERacer wings done with blended winglets. IO540 starting rebuild. Mounting Spar. Starting strake ribs.

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